How to add opening hours to WordPress website

How to add opening hours to WordPress website

Opening Hours block for Gutenberg editor is worthful for all business websites that need to display operations time. It is easily manageable. Not strick input data predefined. It means you can adjust the kind of opening hours to your need. Display them as you need. For one day you can put more hours range. In case you have a lunch break. So you can display the morning hours and afternoon hours of your operation time.

One of the valuable blocks you can use on your website is Opening Hours. It is fully customizable and universal. It doesn’t matter how your shop or company is open. You can configure it to match your needs. The Opening Hours block is intended for classic web presentations of companies, non-profit organizations, institutions, etc.

Opening Hours block si part of Citadela Blocks plugin. The plugin includes a set of valuable blocks that are not available in WordPress core. The plugin is fully compatible with all 3rd party themes, which means you can also use other block-based WordPress themes.

What’s your opinion on documentation?

Please navigate to Opening Hours block in Gutenberg WordPress documentation for more technical details. Let us know here below in the comments what do you think about this documentation. How do you like it? Do you miss there some more information?

It’s effortless and straightforward to use:

And as you can see on the following snapshots, you can display it in many different formats:

I hope this block will be helpful for your project. If you have any recommendations on what WordPress block we should develop and include in the Citadela Blocks plugin, please let us know. We will do it and release the update FOR FREE.

15 komentáre k “How to add opening hours to WordPress website

    1. Hello Denis,

      Thanks for asking. You should use “Opening Hours” block and select the layout from the upper menu: . Color settings as obviously on the left. Missing info in the documentation will be added asap. We apologize for any inconveniences due to this…

      Have a good day!
      AIT team

      1. Hello Zlatko,
        this is not for the ITEM SPECIAL PAGE, Dynamic taken from the item CPT.
        The last 2 are Not available in the item special page.

        1. Hello Denis,

          Thanks for your reply. You should use Opening Hours block altogether with Cluster block:

          AIT team

          1. ??? The block view of opening hours ist not available in the item special page when ihr pick item opening hour block.
            Show me please.

          2. Hello

            When we’re talking about opening hours for each item, we need to think about 2 parameters. The 1st is the opening hours in the contact details which must be set up for each Item. Then 2nd thing is to display these opening hours on each “item detail page”. So then in your wp-admin inside the section Citadela Special Page -> Item Detail Page sets what is visible for each item’s (listing) detail page. So if you’d like to display opening hours on each item’s detail page, please use “Item Opening Hours” block. Please see how does it look

            This blog post is mainly about standard business website which represent company or some other business. “Opening Hours” block is element for one company on standard website. It is not for directory website.

          3. Hello Emilia,

            THE LOOK is not avaiable in the ITEM OPENING HOUR. THIS one:


            Or see this page

            the look/layout is what I want for the ITEM OPENING HOUR.


          4. Hello Denis,

            Thanks for your reply. Indeed, there are two different blocks with different purpose to use them. Anyhow, we’ll reconsider adding some more layouts for Item Opening Hour blocks in the future.

            Have a good day!
            AIT team

  1. Hello,
    and please, add…”current time” current open, like in the directory Pro.
    Thanks so much,

  2. Hello Martin, Thanks for this article. Yes, we want more new blocks, because it will help everyone to customize their projects more efficiently.

    1. Hello there,

      Many thanks for your comments. Please stay tuned, we keep adding new features on regular basis.

      AIT team

  3. Hello over there,
    it would be nice to have a split in the openening hours, because a lot of salesman and restaurants, especially in smaller towns, do have a lunch time or a closing time in the afternoon.
    This would increase the readability for users and is used in GoogleMyBusiness too.

    with regrads, Klaus

    1. Hello Klaus,

      Thanks for your interesting ideas. We’ll definitely consider them and make decision within coming weeks/months. Please kindly note we aim firstly to finish the 3rd phase:

      Anyway you can insert opening hours in the way you need. It means you can add mored hours for single day.

      Thanks for your understanding and patience.

      Have a good day!
      AIT team

  4. I could use a general Events block to use outside the special pages.
    Showing upcoming events and the option to select which ids, tags or categories to show.

    With the same styling as the block used on the details page.

    1. Hey there,

      Yeah, we love the new possibilities thanks to Gutenberg editor, too!

      AIT team

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