How to switch from Citadela to CitadelaWP

Change from Citadela to CitadelaWP

You can continue using old Citadela products on your websites without any issues, but we won’t be releasing any new updates. We will only release updates and support to CitadelaWP theme, CitadelaWP Pro, CitadelaWP Listing plugin and CitadelaWP Layouts.

If you switch to CitadelaWP theme, CitadelaWP Pro and CitadelaWP Listing plugins, you will not loose any functionality nor features.

Access for existing customers

All active Agency Membership and Premium Membership customers have access to CitadelaWP theme, CitadelaWP Pro, CitadelaWP Listing and CitadelaWP Layouts. Nothing changed.

Steps to migrate from Citadela to CitadelaWP

Citadela and Citadela WP products have the same code base. Therefore, all configuration and content will be migrated from Citadela to CitadelaWP automatically. You don’t need to worry. The only thing you need to do is to install and activate CitadelaWP theme that you can download from your account.

  1. Download CitadelaWP from
  2. Log in to your wp-admin
  3. Navigate to Appearance – Themes
  4. Click on “Add New Theme”
  5. Click on “Upload Theme”
  6. Select CitadelaWP zip file that you downloaded in step 1.
  7. Activate CitadelaWP theme
  8. Click on “Install CitadelaWP plugins” and it’s done
  9. Old Citadela plugins will be automatically deactivated, you can now delete Citadela theme, Citadela Pro and Citadela Listing from your WordPress website