Ne možete pratiti sve novododane značajke u WordPress verziju 5? Želite li dobiti pregled funkcija koje su nedavno objavljene? Danas ćemo vam pokazati detaljan popis novih značajki iz WordPressa 5. Također ćete saznati zašto je najnovija verzija WordPressa...
Vidi višeThe Service block is our very first block we released in our Citadela Pro plugin. Thanks to this block you can perfectly present your services or product features, key points, vision or scope of work. By adding Service block to WordPress page or post you can highlight certain element, add…
Vidi višeYou can agree with us that no website is complete without header. Did you know that you have two different options to create header in WordPress? In this tutorial we will explain individual differences. Genuine Header image Classic WordPress header as you know it is used across all different pages….
Vidi višeWhy is WordPress button block so important? Navigation on the website is important for visitors and customers. We want to send them from one subpage further. Guide them through the whole shopping process. That’s why it’s important to correctly insert important links inside page content. Basically we have 2 options….
Vidi višeIn this article we will show you how to update WordPress theme the easiest way. We’ll share some tips with you how to make this boring task simpler. Except of how to update WordPress Theme you’ll also learn more about why is it important to run updates on time. WordPress…
Vidi višeWhat’s new in WordPress 5? Did developers manage to release it within date they scheduled on the 3rd attempt? Yes, they did! WordPress 5 was released on 6th of December (finally!). That’s why we’d like to show you a little sneak peek of our very first Gutenberg theme. Let’s have…
Vidi višePlease note that the legacy Expedition theme has been replaced with new Citadela theme and plugins. Most popular and requested expedition features are now available in Citadela theme. Why and how to start a travel blog with Citadela When we were working on Citadela Theme development, we made a research…
Vidi višeOur best business directory and listing themes for WordPress are specific type of templates because they contain many items that are linked to a large number of corresponding information. No matter what theme you choose and whether your Items will be restaurants, events or museums, you always have to assume…
Vidi višeOdabir prave palete boja za vašu temu WordPress Photography može biti veliki korak prema uspjehu vašeg brenda. Uz neke privlačne motive, vaši će mrežni projekti dobiti puno više priznanja. Vid je najvažnije osjetilo kada se radi o procjeni novoposjećene web stranice. Morate biti sigurni da […]
Vidi višePostoje deseci tisuća besplatnih WordPress tema, pa zašto biste trebali kupiti Premium WordPress temu? Neki kažu da vam Premium teme mogu mnogo bolje poslužiti. Za vrlo mali iznos imate web stranicu profesionalnog izgleda. Pa pogledajmo je li to istina. U ovom postu na blogu, ići ćemo […]
Vidi više