How to use CitadelaWP in your language You can choose your language during WordPress installation or switch the WordPress language in Settings – General – Site Language: Languages included in CitadelaWP theme, Pro and Listing plugins CitadelaWP theme and plugins include auto translations for several most used languages. The quality…
Vidi višeHow to generate API key The API key is a unique identifier that verifies products license. You need it to run a live website with premium CitadelaWP plugins. In order to activate your website, you need to generate an API key for your domain. The domain must have the same…
Vidi višeThe installation of the CitadelaWP WordPress theme is very simple. All you need to do is download the CitadelaWP theme zip file from your AitThemes account and upload it to your WordPress admin. CitadelaWP will then take care of everything else. It automatically downloads and installs the CitadelaWP Pro and…
Vidi višeCitadelaWP Pro plugin is compatible only with CitadelaWP Theme. The plugin extends the free CitadelaWP theme with custom blocks for WordPress Editor, advanced options that will allow you to customize the look & feel of your website via WordPress Customizer. Plugin installation Plugin can be installed directly from CitadelaWP Theme…
Vidi višeWe bring you a guide on how to use Gutenberg WordPress editor and blocks. Please read news about blocks changes which are coming in the very next 5.4 version. We have selected all the most often use blocks which are must be used on any website. Once released we will post…
Vidi višeWeb hosting is a service that provides customers with online space storage for their websites and facilitates the operation of the website on the internet. It is critical to pick the right hosting for the smooth functioning of the website. There are several criteria which directly depend on the type…
Vidi višeZa mnoge korisnike rad sa slikom može biti stvarno frustrirajući. Nije uvijek lako odabrati pravi omjer slike ili ispravno promijeniti veličinu slika kako bi izgledale dobro u cijelom izgledu. Zašto koristiti WordPress blok slika Kako dodati slike pomoću WordPress bloka slika Dodatni proces formatiranja slika Dodatni savjet od nas […]
Vidi višeWhen posting a new piece of content, it's important to pay attention to its overall graphic layout – not just to make the page look good. Proper highlighting of certain sections increases clarity and attracts the visitor's attention to the key parts of your content. As a result, the user…
Vidi višeYou have certainly noticed that WordPress editor looks completely different. Building a website has been dramatically changed since WordPress 5. Building the image gallery in WordPress changed as well. Now there is other great news – new features were added to editor after updating system to the WP 5.3. For…
Vidi višeOrganizing content into columns is a piece of cake thanks to WordPress Columns block. This block belongs to the core blocks that might be used in every WP theme. Columns block can have up to 6 columns. So you can therefore have 6 different contents side by side. Today we…
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