Claim listing is a very popular feature in our older directory themes such as DirectoryPRO. It helps you to monetize your website. Business owners can subscribe to your website and administer their own listings. This great new feature is available for free to all our customers. Just it out, it’s really straight forward to use:

More new features are under development and in testing phase right now. Stay tuned guys! 🙂 Citadela Directory is getting better and better. It’s already the best Gutenberg Directory solution in the world 🙂 And we mean it! Please become a member of our club and start using this feature today.
You must have the WooCommerce plugin activated and the Subscriptions feature enabled if you want to use the Claim Listing feature.
Hello Martin,
I cant find a documentation in the members area.
Can you please show me?
Hello again,
Thanks for asking. I am not sure whether i have understood you correctly. Did you mean members setting area?
Claim listing documentation will be added soon. Please go to Directory Citadela on the left side menu and in the top menu on the right side you’ll find “Claim Listing” button.
Kind regards!
AIT team
Hello Martin,
if the item is claimed, will there be someting like a banner I can put on the item page, that says, “this item is verifyed” or someting?
Hello again,
Thanks for additional question. Once the Item is claimed it will be visible in the Items administration page (waiting for approval/decline).
AIT team
Hey team. I’m manually migrating my data from my DirectoryPRO site to me new Citadela DirectoryPRO site. How do I manually set Item claimants?
Hi Aaran,
Feel free to post your support questions to our support forum:
Our dedicated support staff will be happy to help you.