Item Extension directory feature
6 Comments on Item Extension directory feature
You’ll guys love this new feature. Item Extension allows you to administer directory listing item fields. All these new fields will be available to your customers and your website visitors. We’ve also developed a brand new WordPress editor block that displays particular item fields. Let’s have a look at the following…
Subscribe Form WordPress Plugin
Full control over your e-mail subscriptions This plugin is adding new element to subscribe form which you can use to collect e-mail addresses from your web visitors. It’s connected to your MailChimp database. Ait Subscribe Form plugin is GDPR ready. It will help you comply with EU regulation for personal…
Quick Comments WordPress Plugin
Connect With Your Customers Let your visitors or customers contact you faster. Quick Comments provides you with fixed panel visible on all pages so visitors can contact you immediately. It’s the simplest way of getting in touch while using WordPress default comments. Therefore there is no additional or separated database…
Infobar WordPress Plugin
Closeable information bar Show the important information to your customers in a way that cannot be overlooked. Infobar plugin will let you turn on the bar on the top or the bottom of your website. Once closed by a web visitor, it won’t reappear again. Infobar work on all WordPress…
Get Directions WordPress Plugin
Turn-by-turn Navigation Get Directions Plugin is compatible with all our themes and provides you a new element by which you can navigate your visitors to your company or any other destination. After filling the form, Google map will show a route from A to B with turn-by-turn navigation right on…
Easy Admin WordPress Plugin
WordPress Admin Simplified Offer your customers a simplified WordPress administration without any unnecessary distractions. Plugin changes standard WordPress admin panel and gives it more user friendly look&feel. This plugin works with our Multilingual and Translated WordPress themes based on Framework 2 with AIT Page Builder. This is a must have for everybody…
Comments Extension WordPress Plugin
Adds help text to comments Make sure commenters are GDPR informed. Comments Extension Plugin lets you add help text to every single input in WordPress Comment form. This plugin can be used in any WordPress theme. Plugin Features GDPR ready pluginThanks to this plugin you can explain the purpose of…
Announcements Bar WordPress Plugin
Stays on Top of All Pages This useful plugin allows you to present any important announcements on your website. It adds a simple announcement bar at the top of all pages. Users can click on the bar to be brought to a specific url. You have full control over HTML…
AIT Updater WordPress Plugin
Automatic WordPress Theme & Plugin Updates This plugin simplifies the process of updating AIT themes and plugins. By using this plugin there is no more necessity to download install packages and upload them via wp-admin or FTP protocol manually. This way, automatic updates save your time and prevent you from…
AIT Sysinfo WordPress Plugin
Useful Hosting Information Generates useful system information report about your WordPress website for our team to help you identify the cause of issues. Simple Yet Powerful Generated report contains information about your hosting and WordPress installation. Stuff that our developers love to read as a bed time story.