Цялостно редактиране на сайта с Citadela. Пътна карта на WordPress 2021.

Цялостно редактиране на сайта с Citadela. Пътна карта на WordPress 2021.

We mentioned it several times already. Citadela product family is the best block-based theme & plugins for Gutenberg. Now it’s official and confirmed by WordPress developers. Full-Site editing is coming to WordPress very soon.

WordPress 5.7 has been released just 2 weeks ago. The WordPress team is already planning a new WordPress 5.8. This new version will be released in July this year. There is also version 5.9 planned for December, but there are no details about this version yet.

Full-Site editing implementation

The WordPress team is currently analyzing the Full-Site editing feature’s actual state and will decide on the final date when it will be released to the public and included in WordPress.

There are two options: WordPress 5.8 or WordPress 5.9.

Developers will place the final word by the 27th of April 2021. We really cannot wait for this date. It will be a big change for 455 million websites around the world.

The future of WordPress

It is definitive that Block-based themes are the future. WordPress is heading in that direction since 2018, and nothing can stop them. This is excellent news for all of you who are already using the Citadela theme and plugins. Citadela is and will be 100% blocks ready. 

Citadela is the most polished Blocks-based solution with added value, supported by a WordPress company that works with WordPress for 11 years.

Why use block-based themes

Here’s just a shortlist of all advantages:

  • Blocks are the future of WordPress CMS
  • Block-based themes are the fastest as use WordPress kernel
  • Best compatibility with all plugins
  • WordPress approved solution that will be here for the next decades
  • Variety of how-to tutorials and videos in all languages
  • No fancy page builder to learn

and most importantly:

  • Block-based themes are the safest

2 мисъл за „Full-Site Editing with Citadela. WordPress 2021 Roadmap.

  1. I think for we humble concept designers, knowing what you mean by “block-based” would be great. Can you refer me to a really basic tutorial about how blocks differ from having to hire a coder to make my sites?

    1. Block-based theme is a theme that is fully compatible with WordPress blocks. This currently applies to content editing, but very soon whole page including header and footer will be managed by blocks. It’s the future of WordPress that we’re looking forward to. It’ll bring “industry standard” into WordPress administration. Currently there are just too many different page builders which is confusing for users. Reasons for that fragmentation are historic and date back to WordPress 3.x and 4.x.

      There are many good articles on the official WordPress website. For example https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/how-to-guides/block-based-theme/

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